Nowhere Yet


Edward Cozza was born and lived the first half of his life (so far) in Colorado. He has split the second half of his life, living first on the West Coast of Florida & now in Southern California. Edward has enjoyed writing all of his life, or at least the portion of it that he was capable of writing. He has traveled four continents, the favorite and most extensive being North America. He is eight states shy of tramping in all fifty of the United States.

In his professional business life, he was afforded the opportunity to travel, and took the time to observe more than just his own front and back yards. Experiencing different cultures, viewing the land and enjoying the diversity of language and conversation within is own country made a great impact.

He has recently completed his first novel, which is book one of a trilogy, and has begun writing the second installment. He also writes short stories and pieces on experiences real and otherwise.

The first book of the trilogy will definitely leave you wanting more. Cozza’s writing is much like a conversation you would have with your best friend of several years. Honest. Intriguing.

Preview the book on Amazon……and then buy it.

When Rex calls after years of being incommunicado, his best friend Grant is hesitant to accept his invitation. Just like the old days, Rex knows the buttons to push. He has invited Annie, the woman Grant thought he was going to marry. Former friends and lost loves reconnect on a long, playful and soul searching weekend in Palm Springs. Each discovering they hold hopes long forgotten, each hold fears that the best times of their lives may have already passed by. The mending of emotional fences take them further than they thought possible. Rekindled feelings and new awakenings show them some paths not previously considered. After all these years, all these lives, all this time, is it possible that the best of their lives is yet to come? 

All agree to meet, and sparks of longing, anger, uncertainty and love combine to commence considerable flames burning in all of them. The introduction of a couple of new personalities to the mix, give them additional viewpoints to their lives to consider. 

Annie’s friend Kat, gives her wisdom to help stabilize the situation. An intuitive, Isobelle, meets and gives the wayward friends a great deal to think about in how they are to address the future. 

Grant’s aching for Annie, Rex’s hunger for crazy adventures, Annie’s longing for a normal life, and Isobelle’s sudden attraction to Grant, make for an exciting mingling of everyone’s emotions, and the hopes of a future void of the uncertainty they have all been holding.

Live in California? Meet him at the book signing at Warwicks in La Jolla…

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